Instructions for Emergency Excavation

Before you perform an excavation on emergency basis, please make sure that it meets the following criteria:

Emergency means an unforeseeable event or occurrence that endangers health, life, or property, or a situation in which public need for uninterrupted utility service requires immediate corrective action to restore services.

Once you establish that excavation is an emergency do the following:

  1. Login to the SCPS site: and submit Notice to Commence Emergency Work from under the heading "Select Application Type".

  2. Within 24 business hours from breaking the pavement: You must apply for an "Emergency Excavation Permit". This can be done either online or you can apply in person at the following location:

    • 1002 Washington Ave.

      Houston, TX 77002

      Tel No.: (832) 394-9578

      Fax No. (832) 395-9610